An emotionally charged word - the uterus is a symbolic organ. In our psyche, the uterus is the symbol of fertility, our femininity, our power. For many women, this power can betray. What if the offending organ is stealing moments of joy, replacing them with agony? For many women, the very word hysterectomy evokes a passionate response. This is natural. The truth is that life should not be lived in pain. The uterus was built for a very specific purpose - to have a child. It’s not until the ovaries become inactive or removed that we experience the symptoms of menopause, even after-which, womanhood certainly does not end.
This image was created to be an antidote to typical image searches for female reproductive anatomy. Excellent for midwives, doulas, uterine massage groups, moon circles, red tent gatherings, body work courses and doctors offices.
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