help! What license do i need?
Common use-cases and suggested size/license combinations
I have a presentation that I will use for an online or
in-person course about women's health.
you need:
I'm printing a large poster to use in a course or workshop.
you need:
educational Large
I'm writing a blog/magazine/social media post related to women's health.
you need:
editorial Small
I'm using printed materials in my clinic to inform patients.
you need:
educational medium
I have a business website. These Illustrations help sell a product/service.
you need:
marketing Small
I need the best quality for my Multi-platform marketing campaign.
you need:
marketing large
licenses explained
If you didn't see your use case above, the tabs below should give you more clarity.
You need an
Educational license
if you are using an image...
In a classroom or workshop setting to illustrate a topic related to women's health, such as a lecture on reproductive anatomy or a workshop on childbirth.
In an online course or educational resource related to women's health, such as a course on uterine massage or a webinar on menopause.
In a training manual or other educational resource for healthcare professionals related to women's health, such as a guide to performing gynecological exams or a reference for birth workers.
In an educational resource or publication aimed at the general public such as a brochure on reproductive health care.
In a patient education resource or handout related to women's health, such as a booklet on menopause or a pamphlet on childbirth.
In a research paper or academic publication on a women's health topic, such as a journal article on pregnancy or a thesis on reproductive health.
sizes explained
Here are some examples of what the various sizes look like in different settings.
on screen: 600 x 800 px
on paper: 14.85 x 21cm (A5)
Some potential use cases might include:
Displaying on a website, blog, or social media post: An image of this size could be used as part of an article or blog post. Perfect for Facebook & Instagram, etc.
Sufficient for online and in-person keynote presentations (But will be pixelated if zooming in, Not ideal if the image has small details which are important to your message.)
Could be used on a printable PDF like a handout or brochure. Image would be sized about one column width.

on screen: 1754 x 2481 px
on paper: 21 x 30cm (A4)
Some potential use cases might include:
High-resolution print materials, such as A4-sized posters or brochures.
Display on large screens or for high-quality digital presentations. Suitable for use in materials aimed at a professional audience.
Patient education materials, such as handouts or informational flyers where more detail and a larger size would be useful.

on screen: 4961 x 3508 px
on paper: 30 x 42cm (A3)
Some potential use cases might include:
High-resolution print materials, such as large A3 sized posters or banners for events.
Display on very large screens or for high-quality digital presentations. Suitable for use in educational or marketing materials aimed at a professional audience.
The larger size and high resolution would allow for fine details to be clearly visible even when the image is viewed at a larger size or upon zooming.

Can I use an image I have licensed in a product I am selling?No, images cannot be used to create products that will be sold. If you want to use an image in this way, you will need to contact me.
Why are there different license types?Different license types allow different levels of use of an image. For example, an editorial license allows an image to be used in a magazine or newspaper article, while a marketing license allows an image to be used in marketing materials such as brochures and promotional websites. This ensures that you are not paying too much for your specific use case and also so that I (the artist) is compensated for the level of income my illustrations will potentially generate in the world.
What file format will the images come in?The smaller sizes are supplied as JPEG format images, typically compressed at 'Maximum' (10) Quality, in RGB color mode. This is because they are more likely to be used online only at these sizes. The Max size is supplied as a PDF file, CMYK color mode without any compression. Files that are RGB can be changed to CMYK color mode and vice versa in an application such as Adobe Photoshop® although you may experience a slight hue change. All files are zipped for the downloading process. If you wish for a small file size delivered in CMYK please write to me and I will be happy to send it.
Combined Use LicenseThe license usage groups have been designed specifically for your convenience so that it is highly unlikely that a specific organisation may require a license type that covers more than one category. If you feel that you have a highly exceptional case that would warrant a hybrid license for more than a single license category then please email with detailed information on your requirements.
How do I access the image files after I have purchased a license?When you have completed the purchase of an image license, you will be provided with a unique link via email from which you can download the file(s). Please download the files immediately, as for security, the download link will expire. If you have any issues, please see our Licensing FAQs page for answers to common queries. If you still have a query, please email me to get in touch.
Can I use your images for anything I want?No, there are restrictions on what you can do with the images. Medical images are licensed on the basis of type of use. Therefore, if you license an image for marketing purposes, you can only use that image for marketing purposes, although there are lots of different ways you might use the image for marketing, such as in a brochure or on a promotional website. None of the images can be used to create merchandise to sell such as posters, t-shirts or a retail book. If you want to use an image in this way, you need to contact me.
RestrictionsWhere a license type is not available for a specific image, (we show this on the site by saying that it is not available to purchase) Therefore you must not circumvent this by obtaining the image file by buying a licence for an alternative use then actually using it for some other use. It is strictly against the terms of this site and breaches of this restriction, and any other types breach of contract, will be vigorously pursued.
How long does an image license last?Image licenses are perpetual, which means they do not expire. You only need to purchase a license once for your company (or for each project if you are an agency) and you do not need to worry about ongoing costs or licensing renewals.
Your images seem expensive, why is that?Thank you for that feedback. It's difficult to understand the amount of work that is put into making the final image without being an artist. The medical image licenses offered here are very competitive for the quality of the images that are provided here, what I sell on my site is unique in the sense that it is not only accurate, but also compassionate and uplifting to women. When you buy a license, it is for perpetual, global use covers broad usage categories which makes them very cost effective against other rights managed options. There are cheaper medical stock images available, yes but I am setting out to do something different for women and patients in general. I want their experience to be positive, uplifting, communicative and memorable. Every one of my images is researched and rendered with incredible care and accuracy - that is what you pay for.
Can I use an image I have licensed for more than one purpose?No, images are licensed for a specific purpose. If you want to use an image for a different purpose, you will need to purchase a license for that purpose.